Adding A Front Porch

Posted on: 25 August 2016

Unless you belong to an older generation, you may never have enjoyed a front porch. They are more than a simple home addition; the front porch is a place to relax, visit with neighbors, and get a breath of fresh air. If you screen it in, you can enjoy the outdoors without fighting off flies and mosquitoes as well. Even if you think a front porch would be an enjoyable addition to your home, you may wonder if having one built is a good financial investment. [Read More]

Child Move Out And Their Bathroom Needs An Overhaul? 2 Tips To Get It Looking New Again

Posted on: 24 August 2016

Even if your child was good at cleaning before they left home, they may not be like this once they get out on their own. If your child has not been cleaning their bathroom at all, then it likely is in a complete mess from the ceiling to the floor. Below are two tips to get you started cleaning it. Remove Mold Because your child has not been cleaning the bathroom, mold may be growing. [Read More]

Want To Bring More Natural Light Into The Living Room? 3 Projects To Undertake

Posted on: 18 August 2016

Families typically spend the most time in the kitchen, dining room, or living room. If your family is one that loves conversing while relaxing on comfortable furniture and playing board games, you may be a little disappointed at the lack of how much natural light flows into the living room in the day. It can force you to use artificial lighting to get the light that you need, and this is a problem you may want to fix. [Read More]

Want To Make Your Kitchen More Low-Maintenance? Install Concrete Countertops

Posted on: 17 August 2016

The kitchen is often home to extensive wear and tear because so much time and effort is spent in this room. Preparing food, cooking meals, and cleaning dishes are some things that happen regularly. With everything that goes on in the kitchen, you may have to spend a lot of time on upkeep. The only way to get around this while still enjoying a clean kitchen is to invest in low-maintenance features. [Read More]